Looking to charge your vehicle when energy costs are at their lowest? No worries! Harness energy from your own solar setup or take advantage of your dynamic electricity rates with the new Elli Charger 2. Flexibility, efficiency, and sustainability right at home.
Get the highest charging savings by combining your dynamic electricity tariff with an optimal use of your solar panels.
Everything you need to know
The Elli Charger 2 is available in four versions - tailored to your needs.
Our installation partner Chargeguru offers you a personalized quote and professional installation based on a free consultation.
After entering your information, our partner will contact you and request that you provide some photos via email. If the information is sufficient, you will receive a personalized quote directly. If your installation is more complex, an on-site inspection will be offered.
Request personalized quoteAlternatively, you can contact Chargeguru by phone or email: